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Dying On Stage

December 26, 2011

I am afraid we may all die on stage one day, me thinks…  😦

Signs of imminent Death

Dying On Stage

Dying On Stage

  • Eyes have glassy fixed stare with large pupils
  • Pasty grey, or blue greyish colour present especially on lips, hands and feet
  • Hands and feet can be cold
  • Jaw open, breathing through mouth very rapid or very slow (often with rattle) with pauses of 20-50 seconds between breaths
  • Unresponsive to voice or pain

It is most important not to do or say anything that might disturb or anger the person, like speaking abruptly, arguing, crying, rough handling; maintain a peaceful atmosphere with people praying, meditating or chanting according to the dying person’s wishes or as instructed by their spiritual guide/teacher. Any supporters can generate limitless universal or devotion in their hearts and the wish for the dying person to be released from suffering with this love or devotion/faith and become unified with love, with god or with their source of inspiration and virtue.

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